Schroon Paddle Challenge
In an effort to celebrate the joy of paddling, introduce more local residents and visitors to the beautiful waters within the Schroon Lake Watershed, and create an involved community working together to help preserve the watershed for present and future generations, the Schroon Lake Chamber of Commerce, Town of Schroon, Schroon Lake Association and Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism (ROOST) have partnered to create the Schroon Paddle Challenge.
The challenge consists of three paddles within the Schroon Lake Watershed:
You may complete each part of this fun and adventurous challenge by any means of paddling, including canoe, kayak, or stand up paddle board.
Register now!

Finish the challenge and earn a patch
Challenge finishers will receive a Schroon Paddle Challenge patch. Those looking for an extra challenge will want to complete all three paddles over a single weekend (Friday-Sunday) to earn a special Ultra patch.

Prevent the spread of invasive species
The Towns of Schroon and Horicon strongly support the efforts by Schroon Lake Association, Paradox Lake Association and East Shore Schroon Lake Association in preventing and eliminating the transfer of aquatic invasive species into our watershed. Boat Wash and Launch Stewards help educate and share excellent materials on the species of concern. Come meet the stewards, pick up some educational material, and help keep the Schroon Lake Watershed clean and healthy for years to come.