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This lovely route is also a symbol of friendship: look for the stone with an image of the two shaking hands etched in it. The North Hudson Pine Ridge Cemetery is the resting place of a number of War of 1812 soldiers.


Access through the Hammond Pond Wilderness, with trails to Trout Pond, Round Pond, East Mill Flow and Moose Mountain Pond and Bass Lake.

DISTANCE: 9 miles, one way. Recommended to be taken east to west, to take advantage of the downhill grade as the road joins Route 9. Services in Moriah Center and North Hudson.

DIRECTIONS: From Moriah, take County Route 4, west, and follow it all the way to North Hudson, near the intersection with Interstate 87, the Northway.

Scenic Drives

Drive south to pick up Teddy's Trail, for exceptional scenery and plenty of interesting stops..

Find out more

Read the blog post, Cycling Ensign Pond Road, for a personal experience.

A great ride, especially from east to west. The abundant water sources make this a cool, scenic, ride. Plenty of scenic interest and places to stop. The stone with an image of the two shaking hands. These mountains in the Hammond Pond Wild Forest are at the beginning of the route.. These wetlands in the Hammond Pond Wild Forest are an important part of the Adirondacks ecosystem. Mill Brook runs alongside the road during the second half of the route.

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